Payment Options

There are a number of options available when it comes to paying for a program at Hinterland Health Retreat. Programs may be self funded, funded by early superannuation release, payment plan solutions, government-funded options such as DVA or NDIS, or partially through private health insurance 'extras cover'. We, at Hinterland Health Retreat, assist our guests by supporting them in submitting the necessary applications for these funding options. Here is a breakdown of the options below:



We have both direct debit and credit card options available and will provide invoices and receipts following payment.


Business expense

Some guests may be able to treat the program as a business expense, depending on their circumstances.


Extract your Superannuation

We have a 100% success rate of superannuation application approvals. Under the Compassionate Release of Super Program, you can take money from your superannuation to attend a facility like Hinterland Health Retreat. We work with our partners at Release my Super who assist you with the process.


Payment plans

We can connect you with a company that specializes in financing treatment and healthcare. They accept applications from guests of Hinterland Health Retreat, cover your treatment costs, and set up a payment plan directly with you.



We can assist Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) White Card or Gold Card holders in applying to the DVA Health Approvals Board. As we are not a contracted provider with the DVA, we must submit applications to the DVA Health Approvals Board to secure funding for your program.



We also offer programs for plan-managed or self-managed NDIS participants. These Residential Respite Programs are funded through the Core and Capacity Building budgets.


Private Health Insurance

Depending on your private health insurance provider and extras coverage, a small percentage of your Day Program cost may be eligible for a rebate.

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